Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who Are You?

I walk around everywhere listening to music on my Ipod.
There is a sense of disconnection from the world and a perception of looking from the outside in.
I see everyone around me moving, going about their way, almost like robots or machines just fulfilling their functions.
Do they really think about why they are here or do they just act upon needs and wants, never contemplating the world?
They all seem dead.
It's intriguing.

Since I was about eleven, I've felt a sense of disconnection from everyone, including my family.
I once was an extrovert, but a series of events at that time has changed me forever.
No matter what happens in life, good or bad, there is always something to be learned; we take what has happened and grow from it.
This concept helps me to never regret what happens in life, but instead to be thankful for it, because I believe everything happens for a reason.

I walk around observing the beautiful environment, hoping and dreaming for an understanding and a sense of love that I lost long ago.

Everyone has a story.
Every story is unique.
What's yours?